Nomades Digitales

Últimos Eventos Pasados

Open Mic Night

Do you like art or have a talent you’d like to share with the international community? Together with our friends from Mundo Lingo, we're organizing an 'Open Mic Night' and would love for you to join us and share what you love to do! It could be singing, dancing, reciting poetry or any art-related activity  […]

TBO Talk: «Oportunidades en la industria de la traducción»

Emilia and Andreína, specialists of the industry-leading translation project management system, will talk about their career path and the role of the translation industry as a bridge between different cultures.    Thursday, November 14 - 7 PM  Auditorio Facultad de Lenguas  Free entry Limited spots  Register in this form

International Fest

Music, gastronomy, gifts and much more! This event is designed for digital nomads in Córdoba and the university academic community. It’s a great opportunity to connect and share experiences with both internationals and locals! 📅 Date : October 17th 🕕 Time : 6:00 to 9:00 PM 🎵 Activities : DJ, giveaways and more. Don't miss […]

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